The String Cheese Incident — Club Red Telluride

Doors: 6:30 pm
Show: 7:30 pm
Age Policy: All ages
Price: $75

march 11-12, 2017

the string cheese incident

Over the past decade, The String Cheese Incident has emerged as one of America’s most significant independent bands. Born in 1993 in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, SCI has since released 11 albums, 7 DVDs and countless live recordings from their relentless tour schedule. Their 23 year history is packed full of surreal experiences, epic moments, groundbreaking involvement and huge accomplishments. They have been recognized for their commitment to musical creativity and integrity, for their community spirit, philanthropic endeavors, and for their innovative approach to the business of music.


When The String Cheese Incident’s growth first started gaining momentum over a decade ago, when the Internet was just beginning to take hold and the major-label business model was failing, the band decided to make music on their own terms.